really cool awesome webpage

warning !

this website is under construction ! there's tons of unfinished bits and pieces around ... and everything is subject to change !


apr 4 2023 3:20pm

i am completely redoing my site :-)
moldycatfood v2 coming soon


jul 7 2022 1:06am

this is sort of working :^) yippee
very very slow work but i work on it whenever i get the time


apr 6 2022 2:14am

text here text here lol lol idk what to put somethings gonna go here eventually skdfhsfjhskfdh shdjfksdfjhs sjdfanj lsjkdf sdhdfehs hsodfs pkd sfep ksfs ifhe


last updated
visitors so far

add my button to your site!

page created 4/4/22

this is a website i picked up as a project during somewhat of a slump and made it an outlet for my love of the 90s/2000s as well as a home for my art/writing/hobbies
i try to update and add new content as frequently as i can (as well as work on some other side websites)